.. _developing: Developing the codebase ======================= SPECTRE is designed to be open source and easy to extend, maintain and develop by the community. This section of the manual will help you work with the codebase, whether you just plan to use our core library in your own java application or want to modify or extend our codebase. Making your own apps using our core library ------------------------------------------- If you wish to use our core library within your own applications then we recommend that you use maven for our own project. You can then include our library as a maven dependency by adding the following snippet into the dependencies section in your pom.xml:: uk.ac.uea.cmp.spectre core [PUT-VERSION-HERE] And that's it! You should now automatically download the library when you import maven changes or run your maven build cycle. The published versions can be found at: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/uk.ac.uea.cmp.spectre/core/ Should you prefer not to use maven in your project, you can download the pre-compiled jar from maven central directly, or alternatively, build SPECTRE and copy the core jar file from `build/spectre-/repo/uk/ac/uea/cmp/spectre/core/` The rest of this section assumes you want to modify or extend the spectre codebase. Source Control --------------- The source code for spectre is version controlled using GIT. The public repository is hosted on github at https://github.com/maplesond/spectre.git If you plan to make contributions directly to the spectre codebase and want to work closely with us on a new tool or feature then please email daniel.mapleson@earlham.ac.uk about your planned changes. He can grant you write access to the codebase. We use the `Git-Flow `_ branching model in order to make it easier to work on the codebase as a team. The main takeaway message here is do NOT commit changes directly to the master branch as this might effect the stability of the suite for everyone! To make managing the branches easier we recommend a gitflow aware client tool, such as `SmartGIT `_. However, for most external developers we recommend you `fork `_ our github repository. You are then free to use whichever branching model you like in your own fork. If you want to merge back changes to the original codebase then do so using the `pull request `_ mechanism. Integrated Development Environments ----------------------------------- SPECTRE was developed in the Java programming language and has become a relatively large project. Because Java is a relatively verbose language (as compared to a language like python), we strongly recommend using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This will enable you to easily visualise the project structure, navigate around the code, refactor code and generally be productive. SPECTRE was developed using the `IntelliJ `_ IDE, but, while this is our preferred IDE, we do not store the IntelliJ project files in the repository. Instead we use maven to manage the project structure, making the spectre codebase IDE agnostic, so you should be able to use whichever Java IDE you are most familiar with. Most modern Java IDEs, and all those that have a wide user base, will also support maven project object models (POMs). The exact details of how to load spectre will vary from IDE to IDE but it should be as simple as opening an existing project and selecting the pom.xml in the root directory of spectre. The IDE should then load the project structure. You should now be ready to view, modify or extend the codebase. Project Structure ----------------- Within the parent maven project for spectre there is a single “pom.xml” which describes common properties for all child modules. This file contains details such as project details, developer list, compiler settings, unit test configuration, common dependencies and some common jar packaging settings. Beyond the pom.xml there are the child modules themselves, which each have their own pom.xml describing their specific configuration. Broadly speaking the project is structured into two main areas: *core* and *apps*. **Core** Contains classes that are used by other modules, that contain some kind of general functionality which means they can be used in different situations. These classes were broken down into sub groups based on their specific kind of functionality as follows: +--------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Class Group | Package name | Description | +====================+==============+==================================================================+ | Data structures | ds | Phylogenetic data structures relating to concepts such as | | | | Splits, Trees, Networks, Distances and Quartets | +--------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | File Handling | io | Loading and saving common phylogenetic file formats. | | | | Specifically, Nexus and Phylip format. | +--------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mathematics | math | Math related functionality such as basic statistics, matrix | | | | algebra, and storing of tuples. | +--------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | User Interface | ui | Functionality to help with Command Line Interfaces and Graphical | | | | interfaces | +--------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Misc Utils | util | Miscellaneous functionality | +--------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Apps** Contains all the applications managed by spectre. Most of these apps rely heavily on the *core* library. Updating Maven Project Versions ------------------------------- We have included the version-maven-plugin to control versions. To update the version number for all sub modules and dependencies, from the parent project directory type: `mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=`. Creating platform specific installers ------------------------------------- We use the javapackager program that comes with the JDK for this. Currently we support .deb (debian/ubuntu), .dmg (mac) and .exe (windows) installers. To create the installer first ensure no maven module version numbers contain the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix (see above section for modifiying version numbers), then build spectre on the required platform using the following command: `mvn clean install -Drelease`. You will find the installer within `./build/dist` (possibly `./build/dist/installer/bundles` depending on platform). IMPORTANT NOTE: We strongly recommend you use JDK9 for this task. Results with JDK8 may vary. Please ensure the JAVA_HOME variable is set to ensure this correctly setup.